ALL DAY DESIGN OPEN HOUSE, Thursday June 4, 2015

First floor:
- zumra workshopas part of Beirut Design Week 2015: an experimentation through zumra’s 5X process.
- Lilly Keen open studio
artisan & occasional furniture.

Second floor:
urbacraft The City Crafting System open studio
toy design startup (
- Silk-screen open studio by Siwar Kraytem & Soraya Ghezelbash : short presentation of the studio and the silkscreen process at Mansion, live printing/exposing and open questions.

JUNE 2015

News of the Dalieh Campain, elsewhere:

- On Thursday June 4, 
continue the day from 7pm at ALTCity Montreal Center, Hamra street
Discover the selected projets of the "Revisiting Dalieh" Competitition (the display will remain at ALT City till Friday June 12, 2015).

- On Friday June 5, 
at Ashkal Alwan, Jisr el Wati, 7-9pm, 
We will look at campaigning as a tool of organizing civil society, and at different strategies used to activate the discussion about collective rights to the city in the face of neoliberal policy and private investment ventures.